Biz Real Estate offers a level of service for Landlords that will not be matched by any brokerage in the industry. We have put together a trackable system that is proven to work.
We offer Landlord Representation and Property Management client log in so that you can access information about your properties and your tenants. We will also give you regular updates but you don’t need to wait on us to find out the status of your progress. You can simply log into your account.
Biz Real Estate has worked with many property owners and managers to learn what the commercial property owner really wants. Your property is most likely an investment and your rate of return is important to you. We will work with you to maximize your return. If you have special circumstances we will work with you to accomplish your goals while keeping credit losses and vacancies to a minimum.
Biz Real Estate doesn’t accept every listing and if we accept a commercial leasing listing, we will not sit idle and wait for the phone to ring. We send out correspondence daily to other brokerages and agents in the industry. Additionally we market your property on many different platforms to make sure we are not leaving a rock unturned. We will find you a qualified tenant.
Our brokers know the market and will provide you with ample research to support our recommendations. If you are a landlord that thinks you are sitting on gold and knows everything, we probably won’t be able to help you. We are realistic about expectations and will not fluff you with what we think you want to hear. Simply, if your property is not worth what you think it is, and you will not take our advice, we will choose not to work with you. If you are all about long term tenancy and creating avenues for both you and your tenant to win, we are a fit for you.
If Biz Real Estate sounds like a fit to serve as your leasing broker give us a call and we would be happy to see if you are a fit for us.
Biz Real Estate, “Connecting people with properties.” (801)436-7599