Are you ready to acquire your first commercial property? Or are you a well seasoned commercial real estate investor? Biz Real Estate will help you from start to finish.
The process can be easy when working with the right team, or it can quickly turn to litigation if you work with folks that just don’t know the business.
Our goal is to gather all of the critical information that is needed for you to make an informed decision. We can deliver analysis of market conditions, property values, traffic reports, demographics, mapping, and any information you can think of to insure that you have your thumb on all of the details.
Once we have delivered the information we will help you disseminate the mound of data and decipher what is important to you. Knowing what to look for and where to look for it comes from experience that Biz Real Estate can offer.
Working together, you will arrive to a point where you are confident that you can make your decision. Once your decision is firmed up, Biz Real Estate will prepare the documentation needed to outline the details of the deal and will begin negotiations.
The importance of having a seasoned broker working on your behalf could mean the difference between closing the deal or exploding the deal. We have found that expertise and education is the biggest player in negotiations, with the additional skill of being able to compartmentalize aspects of the deal with zero emotion. Sounds easy, right? You would be shocked with how many deals are blown over agents’ emotions and greed.
We always put your interest first and protect your interest throughout the entire transaction. We strive to make clients for life and look forward to working on your behalf.
If Biz Real Estate sounds like a fit to serve as your acquisition broker call us and we would be happy to see if you are a fit for us.
Biz Real Estate, “Connecting people with properties.” (801)436-7599